Poster Abstracts

Deep dives into the science are at the heart of what we do at BioCentury, and posters take the BioCentury Grand Rounds discussions further by putting data, methods and mechanism front and center. Posters will be displayed in the conference foyer, and featured during the interactive Poster Spotlight Networking Session on Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 5:30 PM Central Time.

Get the conversation started by requesting 1x1 meetings with poster presenters via the BioCentury Grand Rounds 2024 digital platform, beginning August 19.







  • Investigating the ATN (Amyloid, Tau, Neurodegeneration) framework in Alzheimer’s Disease and its causal genetic-drivers using Digital Twins (DT)
    Associated Company: Aitia
    Author: Bruce Church
    Methods: AD Digital Twins (DTs) were built on AITIA’s A.I. platform REFS, based on a Bayesian network model of ADNI data which reverse-engineered the connectivity of ~59K multi-modal variables and AD-related outcomes from 317 subjects. The average causal effect of each variable was estimated through in-silico counterfactual experiments to evaluate the temporal relationship between the ATN outcomes, identify the causal gene-drivers of “ATN” outcomes, and investigate the known AD genotypic variants driving ATN gene-drivers. Results: AD DTs evaluated the ATN temporal relationship, recovered some known relationships such that CSF-abeta and Tau measures drive neurodegeneration measures, and showed CSF-Tau measures to be upstream of amyloid PET, suggesting Tau changes may interact with other outcome changes more dynamically over the course of disease progression. Next, in-silico experiments identified 228 ATN gene-drivers, including 8 common to all outcome-categories, which affect cognitive outcomes and are related to immune-response and inflammation pathways. Many of these genes were causally driven by multiple AD-associated genotypic variants reported in GWAS, especially in the “NECTIN2” and “APOE” region. In-silico experiments also showed some Tau-driving genes likely to be causally driven by Amyloid and Neurodegeneration driving genes. Conclusion: AITIA’s DTs allows systematic evaluation of multiple modalities and outcomes, accelerating precision medicine efforts in AD.
  • Discovery of small-molecule antagonists targeting cytokines for allergic diseases
    Associated Company/University: Azcuris Co., Ltd. | Korea University
    Author: Eunji Kim
    Azcuris Co., Ltd. aims to provide innovative therapeutic solutions that address unmet needs for patients with immune diseases. Our main focus are developing oral medicines that are highly effective and easy to take. By targeting cytokines such as IL-33, TSLP, or IL-4R which play roles in the pathophysiology of allergies with small molecules, we are pioneering a new field of small molecule protein-protein interaction (PPI) inhibitors, leveraging our platform technologies (CytoFBDD®, CytoStructure®, CytoAssay®, and CytoNMR). In our lead program, AZP-IL33, we discovered novel antagonists targeting IL-33 and selected AL 5628 as a promising candidate following extensive in vitro and in vivo efficacy and safety studies, along with pharmacokinetic profiling. AL 5628 exhibited efficacy comparable to low doses of oral corticosteroids or injectable mouse surrogate dupilumab (IL-4R mAb) in a chronic asthma mouse model when delivered orally. We further investigated the potential of AL 5628 in treating atopic dermatitis. We observed that AL 5628 showed efficacy comparable to low doses of oral corticosteroids or prednicarbate (0.25%) ointment when delivered both orally and topically in a DNCB-induced atopic dermatitis mouse model. Notably, side effects such as hair loss and skin redness, which are common in long-term corticosteroid use, were not observed in the AL 5628-treated group. These findings indicate that AL 5628 is a promising alternative treatment option in allergic disease.
  • Self-Driving, Massively Parallel, Multi-Omic Bioreactors for Drug Development
    Associated Company/University: Regemus Technologies, LLC. | Vanderbilt University
    Author: John Wikswo

Given the role of biologics in Pharma and the need to increase the efficiency of cell line development and media optimization, we address the technology gap between the identification of single-cell clones in nanoliter microfluidic pens as candidates for production of biopharmaceuticals, and the selection of a final clone and media formulation that can function effectively in a thousand-liter production bioreactor. To close this gap, the Vanderbilt Institute for Integrative Biosystems Research and Education (VIIBRE) has developed a new class of automated, massively parallel, stand-alone Continuous Automated Perfusion Culture Analysis Systems (CAPCAS) that are ideal for maintaining multiple miniature bioreactors. Each CAPCAS platform will function as a fully automated microfluidic system containing 1,000 or more biodevices, such as chemostats, bioreactors, or organ chips, for parallel, independent, long-duration, machine-guided experiments to optimize biological function or infer the dynamics of signaling and metabolism of living systems. CAPCAS could drive online mass spectrometers for quantitative metabolomic and proteomic analysis of both the cells and the cellular secretome. Computer-controlled fluidic coupling of multiple bioreactors may enable prediction of reduced cellular production due to zonation in larger bioreactors. The entire system is being designed to operate as a self-driving laboratory or robot scientist to autonomously refine metabolic and signaling models.

  • Developing New Drugs in Precision Ways Like No Others
    Associated Company: Safenia Pharmaceuticals

Safenia Pharmaceuticals, is led by a group of seasoned professionals, who have a collective experience of over 100 years in biotechs and pharmaceuticals/biopharmaceuticals. Its executives have a track record in managing multinational companies. Safenia Pharmaceuticals developed RSQ Platform based on the Human Genome Project (HGP). Our Company has developed technologies rooted deeply from the HGP and novel drug development. Safenia integrates genomics, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence (AI), biomarker discovery/validation into its RSQ platform, that enables to stratify patient populations to achieve maximum results through identifying beneficial subpopulations in efficacy and/or adverse effects quantitatively. Currently, the Company mapped more than 25,000 genes and 3.5 million of mutations (including but not limited to SNPs, indels, microsatellites, rearrangements, and re-allocations) on the entire human genome and built much extensive mechanism of action (MOA+) based networks for clinical development of new drug. Combining research in genotypes and clinical phenotypes, Safenia is able to generate patient genetic profiles for targeted subpopulations, and through these stratifications, one is able to carry out studying clinical outcomes in each subtype. So Safenia can obtain a better and closeup drug performance profile that can help to improve clinical results in targeted subpopulation(s). Safenia RSQ approach is an effective approach to improve drug clinical outcomes.

  • Genetic modification to producer cells enhances viral vector and antibody yields
    Associated University: Vanderbilt University Medical Center
    Author: Zachary Bacigalupa

The production of bioactive materials such as viral vectors and neutralizing antibodies for research and clinical applications has realized an exponential increase in demand. One of the more cost-effective solutions to bioproduction are stable cell lines, such as HEK-293T cells, that support virus-based packaging of genetic material and are readily modified to support protein and antibody production. Our group has identified a proprietary genetic modification that that significantly improves the titers of viral vectors, on average, 264-fold reaching a maximum of nearly 1,000-fold. These massive increases in titers improve transduction efficiency and lower the input requirement. Analysis of the transcriptome revealed that the modified cells enrich for genes in the unfolded protein response and protein secretion pathways. With this, we then tested the ability of these cells to produce the PD-1 neutralizing antibody pembrolizumab, where we observed, on average, a nearly 3-fold increase of pembrolizumab in the supernatant. Mechanistically, we find that this modification leads to metabolic adaptations that enable fuel flexibility and promotes secretory pathways. Considering the widespread use of these systems in basic research and FDA-approved therapies, an approach that can improve yields of viral vectors and neutralizing antibodies could save millions of dollars in R&D and production costs, making these tools and therapies more equitable and accessible.

  • The InVitroProfiler - A cell culture platform to model dynamic drug concentrations in vitro
    Associated University: Vanderbilt University
    Author: Catherine Leasure

The likelihood of drug approval upon a compound entering clinical trials is dismal, with 90% of compounds failing in clinical trials despite years of prior testing, often due to unexpected toxicity or poor clinical efficacy. Consequently, pharmaceutical companies need data that accurately predicts a drug's performance in humans. Traditional in vitro studies lack translational accuracy, leading drug developers to rely on costly animal studies for pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) research. To address this need, we are developing the InVitroProfiler, an instrument and methodology that enhances the translational accuracy of in vitro studies We plan to offer this as a service to drug developers for testing PK/PD relationships of oncological drugs earlier in development. Our team comprises Drs. Gregor Neuert and Catherine Leasure. Dr. Neuert, an Associate Professor at Vanderbilt University with a diverse background in engineering, physics, biology, and physiology, conceived the InVitroProfiler technology. He will serve as the Chief Scientific Officer of InViDy, the company we’re building around the InVitroProfiler. Dr. Leasure has received entrepreneurial training as the 2023 ASPIRE to Innovate fellow at Vanderbilt and will help launch InViDy as the Chief Executive Officer. Our goal is to transition the InVitroProfiler from a basic science tool to a contract research service for drug developers, with the long-term vision of offering it as a purchasable instrument.

  • AI-MPRO miniprotein drug discovery platform
    Associated Company: VRG Therapeutics
    Author: Zalan Peterfi, MD, PhD

Miniproteins are an emerging, game-changing modality that can revolutionize the biologics field by combining the benefits of small molecules and large biologics. These special polypeptides exhibit superior pharmacological properties due to their small size and well-defined structure stabilized by disulfide bridges. They offer exceptional stability, excellent tissue penetration, high affinity and selectivity, comparable to monoclonal antibodies. As a result, miniproteins provide novel therapeutic solutions for previously undruggable targets and inaccessible mechanisms of action. Miniproteins are developed through the VRG Tx’s drug discovery platform, AI-MPRO, which combines AI-driven in-silico design with state-of-the-art wet lab capabilities. AI-MPRO is an iterative design, build, test, learn process to create miniprotein scaffolds for virtually any target with unmatched speed and quality. We can deliver and validate novel hit molecules with extreme selectivity, sub-nanomolar affinity within 6 months. AI-MPRO has been particularly beneficial in developing our lead asset, VRG-K1, a novel miniprotein for treating atopic dermatitis and other autoimmune disorders. VRG-K1 is a highly selective, safe and effective blocker of the Kv1.3 potassium channel (~10.000x selectivity over homologous Kv1.x ion channels with sub-nanomolar EC50), targeting exclusively pathogenic T cells while preserving the function of other immune cells, unlike current immunosuppressant therapies.

  • Molecular glue degrader development platform: Drugging the undruggable
    Associated Company: AevisBio
    Author: Dong Seok Kim

AevisBio has developed a proprietary technology called CBM/PDL, specifically designed for the discovery and development of molecular glue degraders targeting these previously "undruggable" proteins. There are more than 5,000 proteins associated with diseases, yet only 13% of them are currently within the scope of conventional drug development technologies. Currently, 62% of these proteins remain untargeted, primarily due to the intricate functions of these proteins, issues related to drug specificity, or resistance caused by overexpression or mutations. Molecular glue degraders work by binding to and altering the function of E3 ligases, leading to the degradation of disease-related proteins. Unlike conventional drugs that directly target the proteins of interest, molecular glue degraders exclusively target E3 ligases. This innovative approach holds the potential to overcome the limitations of current drug development technologies.

  • Increasing the Efficiency of Clinical Trials Using Ordinal Longitudinal Data
    Associated University: Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
    Author: Maximilian Rhodes
    Many COVID-19 clinical trials collect ordinal longitudinal outcome data, which is ordered data collected at multiple points in time for each participant. As an example, the ACTT-1 trial collected ordinal patient status on an 8-point scale every day for 28 days. A few of the ordinal states included asymptomatic, at home with moderate symptoms, hospitalized (with or without ventilation), recovered, or deceased. However, many of these clinical trials only use part of the outcome data, such as looking at time-to-recovery, rather than analyzing the full ordinal longitudinal outcomes. Ordinal longitudinal outcomes capture disease progression more fully than outcomes such as time-to-recovery, and the longitudinal dimension of the data can quantify when the treatment is most effective. Furthermore, ordinal longitudinal outcomes can accommodate terminal events such as death and recurrent events such as hospitalization. We demonstrate how Bayesian ordinal transition models are a flexible modeling framework for analyzing ordinal longitudinal outcomes. These models can provide clinically interpretable estimands such as the treatment difference in the mean number of days recovered over the course of the trial, and can provide higher statistical power to detect a treatment effect more quickly.


  • Practicing Inclusive Precision Medicine
    Associated Company: Actio Biosciences
    Authors: Sunil Sahdeo

Actio Biosciences is leveraging advances in precision medicine to develop new therapeutics targeting shared biology between rare and common diseases. We aim to identify programs where both biological and technical risks can be minimized, thereby streamlining the drug development process and allowing rapid advancement of precisely targeted therapeutics. Monogenic rare diseases with a high unmet need are prioritized, where disease-modifying medicines can be developed to directly target the underlying genetic cause of the disease. We prioritized initial targets where activating mutations cause disease and pharmacological inhibition is predicted to be well tolerated. To ensure we can treat all patients, we test the activity of our compounds against all known disease-causing mutations. This work shows it is possible to develop treatments that are applicable to each and every patient that has disease because of a mutation in the targeted protein. This approach has led to ABS-0871 for the treatment of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 2C and ABS-1230 for genetic epilepsies. We are committed to treating every patient with a disease-causing mutation in our targeted proteins and to establishing connections between these targets and biologically related indications to increase market size.

  • Plasma cfDNA-based epigenetic liquid biopsy for demyelinating disease biomarkers
    Associated University: University of Cambridge
    Author: Hallie Gaitsch

Multiple sclerosis (MS) and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) are neurological conditions characterized by demyelination with neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative features. In both conditions, there is a clinical need for fluid biomarkers to monitor disease progression and assess treatment response, including for novel therapies targeting myelin repair. Circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) represents a promising biomarker released during cell turnover. An epigenetic liquid biopsy approach was used to identify cellular contributors to circulating cfDNA in human demyelinating disease. A 200+ sample repository was built at the NIH, containing plasma from healthy volunteers (HVs), MS patients, and PML patients. Plasma was collected in cfDNA-stabilizing tubes and cfDNA was extracted using the QIAsymphony platform. Then, cfDNA was bisulfite converted and whole-genome bisulfite sequenced. PML patients were found to have increased bulk cfDNA levels compared to HVs and MS patients (p = 0.0005), consistent with the increased disease severity, and increased plasma cfDNA source heterogeneity. Oligodendrocyte- and neuron-derived cfDNA was found to be elevated in MS patients with progressive disease compared to those with relapsing-remitting course (p = 0.0003; p = 0.0276). In combination with time-matched clinical and radiographic data, this cfDNA-based epigenetic liquid biopsy approach may be used to develop clinically relevant biomarkers for demyelinating disease.

  • Dysregulated metal biodynamics in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients
    Associated Company: LinusBio
    Author: Manish Arora

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive degenerative motor-neuron disease. Approximately 5-10% of cases arise from genetic predispositions, but the vast majority are sporadic, reflecting an unknown etiology involving both environmental and genetic factors. Toxic environmental exposures have been implicated but reliable mechanistic information is lacking. We propose that the interaction between genes and the environment relies on the temporal dynamics of key molecular pathways, which can only be elucidated by biomarkers collected at hundreds of time points. To test this hypothesis, we applied a novel laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry approach to measure nutritional and toxic elements in single hair strands from a nationwide US sample of ALS cases, and a regional US hospital (n=391). This assay provides molecular profiles at over 500 time points, which were analyzed to characterize patterns of association in longitudinal elemental dynamics. We were able to identify a distinct molecular signature of elemental metabolism in non-ALS participants. Furthermore, we show that these signatures were dysregulated in ALS-positive cases. Overall, systemic perturbations of complex network dynamics in elemental metabolism are a key molecular feature of ALS.

  • A New Diagnostic Test for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
    Associated Company: American African Health Team, LLC
    Associated University: Meharry Medical College
    Authors: Rabi Thangaiyan, MS, PhD and Amosy M'Koma, MD, MSc, PhD

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is evolving worldwide & has become a global emergent disease. Improving the colonic diagnosis for IBD subtypes i.e., ulcerative colitis (UC) & Crohn’s disease (CD) & indeterminate colitis (IC). Here, the central medical challenge is the delineation of IC into UC/CD because it greatly affects the surgical care. Diagnostic accuracy is of utmost importance when determining a patient’s candidacy for pouch surgery. Further, incorrect diagnosis & treatment carry potential morbidity from inappropriate and unnecessary surgery and cost. There is 15 percent of IBD patients cannot be accurately diagnosed as UC or CD and another 15 percent CD diagnosed as UC. We discovered the aberrant expression of DEFA5 in IBD patient biopsy samples underlie the distinct pathogenesis of CD and may be exploited as a reliable diagnostic biomarker to differentiate CD/UC in otherwise IC cohort. The expansion of colonic ileal metaplasia in colonic crypt mucosa contribute to distinct pathology and accurate diagnosis of CD. The mission is to develop a diagnostic sandwich ELISA test using blood serum with high sensitivity and specificity. Commercially available anti-DEFA5 antibodies are either not specific for DEFA5 or less avid. We developed two tested functional anti-DEFA5 mouse mAbs Clone 1A8 and Clone 4F5 that have shown specificity for DEFA5 and amenable for use in Western blotting and 4F5 Immunohistochemistry and Sandwich ELISA to accurately delineate UC from CD or IC.

  • Therasid Bioscience is dedicated to MASH therapeutics
    Associated Company/University: Therasid Bioscience | Seoul National University
    Author: Jay Kim

Fibrosis is the final, common pathological outcome of many chronic inflammatory diseases and is defined by the excessive accumulation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) such as collagen and fibronectin. The excessive myofibroblasts is a central feature of tissue fibrosis. These cells are master regulators of the fibrotic response and have been a major focus of anti-fibrotic therapies. The activated hepatic stellate cells (aHSCs) are recognized as resident liver myofibroblast and the major player of liver fibrosis with interplays between hepatocytes and immune cells. Although the first MASH drug approved in this March, the fibrosis still remains unresolved and highly unmet needed disease activity in MASH. Therasid Bioscience is trying to provide the solution for MASH-fibrosis in terms of the control of aHSCs.

  • Regulatory macrophages contribute to tumor cell plasticity in colorectal cancer metastases
    Associated University: Vanderbilt University Medical Center
    Authors: Matthew Cottam

Metastatic disease is the common cause of death in colorectal cancer. To better understand the cellular landscape of colorectal metastasis, we profiled primary tumors and liver, lung, and peritoneal metastases using single-cell RNA sequencing. Our analysis revealed a subset of tumor epithelial cells with a highly plastic transcription profile and, inversely, low expression of stemness markers. Tumor cells with plasticity markers were spatially enriched at the tumor-stroma interface with exposure to tissue microenvironmental factors. Cell-free malignant ascites, which recapitulates the tumor microenvironment, impaired expression of proliferation and stem-like markers in favor of plasticity markers and enhanced migration of tumor cells. Furthermore, Co-culture of colorectal tumor cells with CD11b+ macrophages isolated from malignant ascites from patients was sufficient to recapitulate tumor cell plasticity. Profiling of tumor-associated macrophages identified enrichment for a lipid-handling features and high spatial correlation with plastic tumor cells. Taken together, we demonstrate that tumor-associated macrophages contribute to disease progression through development of pro-malignant features.

  • Development of a Multi-biomarker Risk Score Based on Serum Proteins by the Prognostic Lung Fibrosis Consortium (PROLIFIC)
    Associated Company: Prognostic Lung Fibrosis Consortium
    Author: Agnes Seyda
    Multiple peer-reviewed publications have consistently reported a reoccurring set of blood-based protein biomarkers linked to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) disease progression. However, no harmonized and validated panel has been available for this context of use. The PROLIFIC consortium was formed to develop well-qualified assays suitable for use as exploratory, prognostic or predictive biomarkers within the context of clinical trials. Twelve protein biomarkers were selected based on evidence for their prognostic and mechanistic value in IPF, including markers of epithelial damage, fibrosis, inflammation, and thrombosis. Subsequently 12 immunoassays were developed at Rules Based Medicine utilizing the Luminex® xMAP® platform. The analysis population included 657 IPF-diagnosed Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation Registry patients who provided serum biosamples near the time of enrollment (baseline). Patients had FVC and DLCO measurements within 90 days of biosample collection. The longitudinal response was % predicted FVC measured from 90 days before biosample collection through 455 days afterward. The time-to-event response was transplant-free survival within one year following biosample collection, censored for loss to follow-up. A multi-marker algorithm was developed confirming the important serum proteins consistent with findings from single-marker analyses and yielded a subject-level prognostic biomarker-based score to predict both FVC decline and transplant-free survival.
  • Restoring neutrophil function after burn via trained innate immunity
    Associated University: Vanderbilt University Medical Center
    Author: Xenia Davis
    Trained innate immunity is the ability of innate immune cells to develop memory of prior pathogen exposure, resulting in an enhanced and non-specific antimicrobial response to subsequent infections. Promoting trained innate immunity is a promising approach to protect immunocompromised patients with opportunistic infections. In a mouse model of burn wound infection, intravenous administration of the toll-like receptor 4 agonist, Monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA) decreased burn wound bacterial load and increased neutrophil recruitment to the burn wound and antimicrobial function compared with vehicle, via a process dependent on granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) production. We hypothesize that burn injury impairs neutrophil mobilization and function at the burn wound, hindering infection clearance. We further hypothesize that MPLA-stimulated trained immunity improves post-burn neutrophil function through macrophage-neutrophil crosstalk and G-CSF-induced signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) activation in the bone marrow, leading to restored neutrophil recruitment. Neutrophils will be isolated from the blood of burn patients and healthy individuals, then exposed to MPLA or vehicle. RNA sequencing will be performed to determine how burn injury and MPLA treatment alters the neutrophil transcriptome, and to identify therapeutic targets. Antimicrobial and metabolic function will be determined. Analogous studies will be performed with mouse neutrophils.


  • Pioneering Oncology with 'Beyond ADC' Innovations in Precision Medicine
    Associated Company: Abion Inc.
    Author: Claire Kim

ABION, INC., founded in 2007, is a biopharmaceutical company specializing in innovative companion diagnostic-based drugs for first-in-class and best-in-class markets. Abion excels in developing and validating new drug entities through rigorous protocols, focusing on precision medicine to enhance public healthcare. Key oncology pipelines include ABN401 (Vabametkib), ABN202, and ABN501. ABN202 is a cutting-edge antibody cytokine fusion protein, positioned as "beyond ADC" technology. This platform combines interferon-beta mutein (ABN102) with cancer-targeting antibodies, delivering both direct and indirect cancer treatment mechanisms. It offers tumor growth inhibition and stimulates anti-tumor immunity. ABN202 shows promise in overcoming ADC resistance and is advantageous for combination therapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors, positioning it for novel applications and collaborations.

ABN501 is a first-in-class antibody therapeutic targeting CLDN3, a tight junction protein and pan-carcinoma marker. With strong affinity and specificity for CLDN3, which is present only in cancers, ABN501 exhibits low toxicity and impressive pre-clinical results. By diligently developing these pipelines, Abion aims to significantly contribute to oncology and public health, advancing treatment options and improving patient outcomes. Abion is also actively seeking partnerships to in-license its assets and accelerate the development and commercialization of its therapies

  • Novel controllable CAR-T cells improve efficacy and durability of anti-cancer immunotherapy
    Associated Company/University: Dynamic Cell Therapies | Harvard University, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
    Author: John Newcomb

Dynamic Cell Therapies (DCT) is developing two platform technologies that address major limitations of current CAR-T cell therapies. The first is a redirectable chimeric antigen receptor T cell, called BAT-CAR, which is short for binary activated T cells expressing a chimeric antigen receptor. BAT-CAR allows for control over CAR-T cells that can mitigate toxicity and can be re-directed to different targets on the surface of tumors as they evolve in response to therapies. Controlled stimulation of BAT-CAR T cells appears to result in less exhaustion compared to direct CAR-T. As a result, BAT-CAR T cells eliminate tumors more efficiently at lower cell doses relative to direct CAR-T therapy. Thus BAT-CAR will enable both greater efficacy and improved safety. DCT’s second technology is a chimeric cytokine receptor or CCR. Activating cytokine responses can help T cells overcome a repressive tumor microenvironment, can increase T cell persistence promoting durable responses, and when activated during CAR-T cell production, likely will improve the time and cost of manufacturing. We have shown that CCR-expressing CAR-T cells display more robust expansion and maintenance of memory phenotypes relative to direct CAR-T cells alone. This leads to improved durability of CAR-T cells expressing CCR. These results have been shown using mouse models of human myeloma and AML. We are expanding use of these platforms to enable better outcomes for patients with solid tumors.

  • Curing epilepsies with precision gene therapies
    Associated Company/University: EpiCure Therapeutics, Inc. | Allen Institute for Brain Science | Seattle Children’s Research Institute
    Authors: John K. Mich1,2, Bryan B. Gore1,2, Rong Guo2, Refugio A. Martinez2, Yemeserach M. Bishaw2, August Liu2, Robert J. Christian2, Emily M. Luber2, Jonathan T. Ting2, Ed S. Lein1,2, Franck Kalume1,3, Boaz P. Levi1,2

Despite decades of research and development, epilepsies remain a major unmet medical need. These life-threatening brain diseases affect over 1% of the US population and lead to economic costs of over $100B annually, and current anti-epileptic therapies fail one-third of patients and often show debilitating side effects. We developed a new strategy to target epilepsies using cell type-specific gene delivery, leveraging precise modern Enhancer-AAV technology developed at the Allen Institute for Brain Science. Applying this scalable approach, our therapeutic promoted complete symptom reversal in a mouse model of Dravet syndrome (DS), a severe genetic epilepsy caused by loss of the voltage-gated sodium channel SCN1A. 100% of treated DS mice survived beyond one year, versus 50% of untreated DS mice died from seizures. This strong survival benefit coincided with reductions in seizures and abnormal brain patterns. We also restored normal behavior in tests of motor function and anxiety, demonstrating that our disease-modifying, precise, and durable treatment can ameliorate the comorbid symptoms of this devastating brain disease. Building on this success, we are leveraging this platform technology to target other epilepsies, having generated equally strong proof-of-concept data, as well as extending the Enhancer-AAV platform to other disease-relevant cell populations with fine control of expression levels. Ultimately the confluence of these technologies will unleash a revolution in brain treatments for epilepsy and neurological diseases.

  • Base Editors and Prime Editors to Correct Genetic Disease
    Associated University: Johns Hopkins University
    Author: Gregory Newby

Base editors can efficiently install or correct transition mutations. Prime editors are more versatile and can rewrite sequences as desired, but require more effort and screening to optimize. Either tool is amenable to in vivo delivery by AAVs or by nanoparticles that require only RNA components. Together with several teams of collaborators, we are adapting these technologies to serve as a new generation of genome editing medicines to treat genetic disease in the blood, lung, heart, retina, liver, and brain.

  • Novel splicing driven gene regulation platform for precise dose responsive control of gene and cell therapies
    Associated Company: MeiraGTx
    Author: Xuecui Guo

Precise control of delivered transgenes allows in vivo delivery of therapeutic biologics. However, gene regulation systems that have clinical applicability have been lacking. Here, by linking aptamers to an alternative splicing-based gene expression platform, we have created a robust riboswitch-based gene regulation system that controls gene expression via bespoke small molecule inducers. Using these novel riboswitches and inducers, we have regulated multiple therapeutic genes including hormones, incretins, antibodies and chimeric antigen receptors (CARs). We observed the robustness of our riboswitch system in controlling Epo expression in anemic animals and in regulating AAV-vectorized, anti-HER2 antibody. In Diet-Induced Obesity (DIO) animals, riboswitch-controlled expression of incretins resulted in significant body weight loss and improved glucose tolerance. CAR-T cells containing riboswitch were remotely controlled in vivo by orally administered inducers, showing superior anti-tumor activities when compared with CAR-T cells expressing constitutive CAR. Attributable to the uniquely high dynamic range of our riboswitch and the safety and oral bioavailability of the small molecule inducer, our riboswitch-based gene regulation platform enables precise control of therapeutic genes to advance the development of gene and cell therapies for a broad range of human diseases, including large indications with unmet needs such as metabolic disease, oncology and autoimmune disease.

  • Exploring Nanobodies and Nanoparticles for Targeted Radionuclide Therapy
    Associated Company/University: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    Author: Debjani Pal

Nanoparticles offer a promising strategy for delivering α-emitting radionuclides like 225Ac and 223Ra to tumor sites, potentially reducing off-target effects and maximizing tumor impact. This study explores two targeted approaches for breast cancer cells: directly conjugating 225Ac with an anti-HER2 nanobody and encapsulating the radionuclides in surface-functionalized nanoparticles to improve biocompatibility and stability. Confocal microscopy and live cell imaging confirmed effective nuclear localization of the nanoparticles, following the endolysosomal pathway, which enhanced their therapeutic efficacy. The study demonstrated dose-dependent killing of breast cancer spheroids using 225Ac-doped nanoparticles, measured by apoptosis and DNA damage assays. The combination of HER2-targeting nanobodies with surface-activated nanoparticles is being developed to encapsulate all α-emitters in the decay chain, potentially improving treatment specificity and effectiveness. These findings are key to advancing radiolabeled nanoparticle-based delivery systems for more precise and individualized cancer therapies.

  • Cell-type specific delivery using in vivo RNA sensors
    Associated Company/University: Radar Therapeutics | Stanford University
    Author: Natalie Kolber

Off-tissue expression is a major challenge for in vivo gene therapies. Off-tissue transgene expression can disrupt the functioning of nontarget tissues, exacerbate immune responses, and increase the chance of off-targets in the context of gene editing. While significant progress has been made towards limiting off-target expression using tissue-specific microRNAs and promoters, engineered delivery vehicles, and other strategies, a truly modular and programmable strategy for limiting off-target expression is lacking. We therefore sought to take advantage of the abundance of single-cell transcriptomics data to target specific cell types based on RNA expression. We developed molecular (RNA-based) sensors for RNA transcripts that function in living mammalian cells using adenosine deaminases acting on RNA (ADARs). These sensors generate an arbitrary protein output specifically in the presence of an arbitrary RNA. We develop design rules for optimal RNA sensors and demonstrate their utility in clinically relevant contexts, including delivery specifically to virus-infected and cancerous cells. Overall, this strategy could better enable cell-type specific in vivo delivery for a wide variety of applications, including the treatment of genetic disorders, the ablation of cancer cells, and in vivo immune cell engineering.

  • Development of MTOR-targeting ASOs for Treating mTORopathies with Intractable Focal Epilepsy
    Associated Company/University: Sovargen | KAIST
    Author: Eric Maeng

Focal malformations of cortical development (FMCD), including focal cortical dysplasia (FCD), hemimegalencephaly (HME), and tuberous sclerosis (TSC), are significant contributors to medically intractable epilepsy. Brain-only mutations (so-called ‘brain somatic mosaicism') causing the aberrant activation of mTOR signaling have been identified as a major genetic cause of FCD and HME, classifying them as mTORopathies. Epilepsy surgery is the only treatment option for FCD and HME with intractable seizures. In TSC, everolimus, the approved mTOR inhibitor drug, shows limited efficacy for controlling seizures with notable adverse events such as immunosuppression and increased risk of infections. Thus, there is a need for more efficient and safer therapeutic options targeting MTOR in the brain. This study explores the use of antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) technology to target and modulate mTOR signaling in the brain as a potential therapeutic strategy for mTORopathies with potentially fewer adverse events.

  • In Vivo Gene Therapy using Lineage Reprogramming enables Walking Again after Complete Spinal Cord Injury
    Associated Company: StandUp Therapeutics
    Author: Junsang Yoo

Spinal cord injury (SCI) remains a critical unmet medical need, with limited treatment options available that effectively restore lost motor and sensory functions. STUP-001 is a groundbreaking AAV-based gene therapy developed by Stand Up Therapeutics, targeting the restoration of neuronal function in SCI patients. Unlike traditional approaches, STUP-001 leverages proprietary cell resetting technology to promote direct lineage reprogramming and regeneration of spinal cord neurons, offering a revolutionary therapeutic strategy for SCI. Pre-clinical studies demonstrate that STUP-001 efficiently converted the glial cells / astrocytes to neuron showing robust axonal regrowth in the injured spinal cord. Behavioral assessments in SCI models reveal marked improvements in motor function, with treated animals exhibiting substantial recovery in locomotion and sensory perception. Additionally, molecular analyses confirm the successful reprogramming of glial cells / astrocutes into neurons, accompanied by increased expression of neurotrophic factors and synaptic markers. STUP-001 represents the world’s first AAV gene therapy for spinal cord injuries, pioneering a novel approach in regenerative medicine. Our findings suggest that STUP-001 holds significant potential for transforming the treatment landscape of SCI. Ongoing studies are focused on further validating these results in human clinical trials (I/IIa), with the aim of bringing this innovative therapy to the clinic.

  • GBA1-linked Parkinson’s Disease AAV gene therapy
    Associated Company: Spur Therapeutics
    Author: Henning Stennicke

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterised by α-synuclein accumulation, Lewy Body formation and loss of dopaminergic neurones within the substantia nigra. Associated with more severe disease, 5-15% of people with PD carry GBA1 mutations, resulting in dysfunctional glucocerebrosidase (GCase). AAV gene therapy delivering functional GCase may reduce the accelerated disease progression in GBA1 PD. GCase85, with two amino acid substitutions to wildtype GCase (GCaseWT), has been established as a more stable enzyme with potential for effective delivery to and improved distribution across the brain. In vitro transduction of brain-derived cell lines demonstrated up to 10-fold more GCase activity with AAV9-GCase85 compared to AAV9-GCaseWT. Expression and distribution were evaluated in mice injected unilaterally into the right-hand caudate putamen with vehicle or AAV9-GFP, AAV9-GCaseWT or AAV9-GCase85 and analysed four weeks post dose. Whole brains were coronally cryosectioned at the striatal site of injection and the substantia nigra and sections were immunofluorescently labeled for GCase or GFP. The AAV9-GFP reporter showed effective retrograde transport from the caudate putamen, with wide distribution in axons of the substantia nigra. Qualitative immunofluorescent staining for GCase gave a more intense signal in numerous somata and neuropil of the injected right hemisphere and signal in the left hemisphere for AAV9-GCase85 compared to AAV9-GCaseWT.

  • Pioneering first-in-human anti-inflammatory therapeutic modality: Nanozyme
    Associated Company: Cenyx Biotech Inc.
    Author: Jinyoung Chung
    We are pioneering a FIRST-IN-HUMAN modality for both acute and chronic inflammatory diseases, a breakthrough recognized by our selection for the national drug development project by Ministry of Health & Welfare and the Korea Drug Development Fund. We’ve developed the world’s most powerful ROS scavenger - a first-in-human cerium oxide-based nanozyme capable of removing all types of ROS infinitely & simultaneously from all sites of ROS burst, surpassing all previously developed ROS scavengers. This first-in-human modality has shown exceptional preclinical efficacy, positioning it as a potential game-changer in inflammation therapy. Leveraging our very own platform technology, INNOSURFACE, we have expanded our pipeline to target both acute & chronic inflammations, with a focus on high unmet needs and even previously "undruggable" conditions. Pipeline: Acute Inflammation (Emergency Rescue): 1. Nanozyme-P • CX213: SAH-induced inflammation, Acute Hepatic Failure (IND submitted to FDA) • CX301: ARDS, Trauma-Induced Fatal Injuries, Reperfusion-Failed Stroke (IND submission in early 2025)
    Chronic Inflammation 2. Nanozyme-E (Preclinical) – IBD 3. Nanozyme-D (Preclinical) – Dermatitis (radiation, severe atopic, burn), Photoaging 4. Nanozyme-C (R&D Phase) – MS, NMOSD, Autoimmune Encephalitis Our GMP-compliant facility ensures full commercial-scale supply with consistent CMC specifications, providing a solid foundation for large-scale production and market delivery.
  • Injectable Hydrogel for Enhanced Arteriogenesis in Peripheral Artery Disease Treatment
    Associated Company/University: Eupalinos | Vanderbilt University
    Author: Karrie Dudek
    Peripheral artery disease, or PAD, occurs when blood flow is restricted due to occlusion of arteries, generally leading to ischemia of the affected tissues. PAD is a widespread disease, affecting over 200 million people globally and over 20 million Americans. However, existing treatment options are limited in efficacy, costly, can be difficult to implement in more distal occlusions below the knee, and often have poor patency rates. There is a clear need for new treatment options that are more effective, less invasive, and mechanically more adaptable. Eupalinos seeks to address this problem with a novel hydrogel technology termed “GelCad” that promotes the growth and integration of new collateral arterioles into the host circulatory system. Minimally invasive relative to existing treatment options, injection of this hydrogel around sites of arterial occlusion would help to restore blood supply to the afflicted tissues and prevent further complications. Early iterations of the GelCad hydrogel, which is delivered as a liquid that crosslinks after injection, have demonstrated the ability to alleviate tissue damage caused by ischemia in murine models of PAD. GelCad presents a promising therapeutic approach for treating PAD by enhancing arteriogenesis and restoring blood flow to ischemic tissues. Future work will explore its potential applications across other ischemic conditions and injuries, and further refine its formulation for clinical use.
  • Revolutionizing ADC’s to Overcome Universal Resistance in Solid Tumors
    Associated Company: RHEADC
    Author: Katrien Reynders
    Methods: AD Digital Twins (DTs) were built on AITIA’s A.I. platform REFS, based on a Bayesian network model of ADNI data which reverse-engineered the connectivity of ~59K multi-modal variables and AD-related outcomes from 317 subjects. The average causal effect of each variable was estimated through in-silico counterfactual experiments to evaluate the temporal relationship between the ATN outcomes, identify the causal gene-drivers of “ATN” outcomes, and investigate the known AD genotypic variants driving ATN gene-drivers. Results: AD DTs evaluated the ATN temporal relationship, recovered some known relationships such that CSF-abeta and Tau measures drive neurodegeneration measures, and showed CSF-Tau measures to be upstream of amyloid PET, suggesting Tau changes may interact with other outcome changes more dynamically over the course of disease progression. Next, in-silico experiments identified 228 ATN gene-drivers, including 8 common to all outcome-categories, which affect cognitive outcomes and are related to immune-response and inflammation pathways. Many of these genes were causally driven by multiple AD-associated genotypic variants reported in GWAS, especially in the “NECTIN2” and “APOE” region. In-silico experiments also showed some Tau-driving genes likely to be causally driven by Amyloid and Neurodegeneration driving genes. Conclusion: AITIA’s DTs allows systematic evaluation of multiple modalities and outcomes, accelerating precision medicine efforts in AD.
  • V-212, a novel peptide-based, serotype-independent vaccine candidate against Streptococcus pneumoniae
    Associated Company/University: Virometix AG | University of Zurich
    Author: Anna Sumeray
    Despite the introduction of large-scale vaccination programs and the clinical success of PCVs, S. pneumoniae continues to be a significant threat with global burden. Efforts to improve vaccines' breadth of coverage and efficacy are underway. We are developing V-212, a peptide-based vaccine candidate consisting of well-conserved antigenic epitopes, presented on a synthetic virus-like particle (SVLP). V-212 is immunogenic in mice with durable epitope-specific serum antibody responses. Said antibodies bind several Spn serotypes, supporting native epitope recognition on bacterial surfaces. In a serotype 3 lethal sepsis mouse model, V-212 prevents pneumococcal disease by reducing bacterial load in lungs and blood, and extends animal survival. Moreover, it protects against bacteremia-induced death in a serotype 8 sepsis model. Following peripheral immunization, V-212 antibodies are also found in the lung and nasal tissues of animals, suggesting the triggering of respiratory responses. In an in vitro phagocytic uptake model, V-212-induced antibodies mediate the uptake of Spn by human immune cells, a prerequisite for in vivo bacterial clearance. Moreover, V-212 antibodies reduce adherence of Spn on epithelial cells, suggesting the vaccine’s effect on pneumococcal colonization. V-212 is a novel, peptide-based candidate for a broad-spectrum Spn vaccine. Having completed a GLP toxicity study and GMP manufacturing, V-212 is advancing toward clinical development with a FIH clinical trial.


  • Tat Fusion Proteins Restore Cytokine Receptor Signaling In Anergic Cells, Allowing Immune-Mediated Tumor Reduction
    Associated Company: Ascensus Therapeutics, Inc.
    Author: Yosef Refaeli

T cells communicate with each other using cytokines to orchestrate a response against pathogens or malignant cells. Tumor cells can cause a breakdown in this communication by altering the cell signaling process and preventing cytokine receptors from properly transmitting their signals. Ascensus Therapeutics’ technology is a collection of fusion proteins engineered from naturally occurring proteins and cell penetrating peptides. These “Rescue Proteins” passively enter immune cells, restore the cytokine signaling pathway and liberate them to kill cancer. We have clinical proof of concept with a Tat-MYC fusion protein in patients with solid tumors. In multiple cancer patients Tat-MYC was able to reawaken T cells and restore their tumor fighting activity. Given these promising results, Ascensus is developing a next generation Rescue Protein. Because this New Rescue Protein has inherent enzymatic activity, it is more potent on a per molecule basis. It also operates through a well-known mechanism of action and can be shut down by approved drugs. Our approach is unique because it’s a protein-based method for correcting defective signaling pathways. This new technology does not rely on modifying the cytokine, modifying the cell surface receptor, or expanding a particular immune cell population ex vivo. Ultimately, these Rescue Proteins will enable patients’ immune systems to overpower the tumor and will give clinicians a pioneering new treatment option.

  • A first-in-class multimodal immunotherapy for induction of tertiary lymphoid structures as a novel therapeutic strategy for solid tumors
    Associated Company: Candel Therapeutics
    Author: Francesca Barone

Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) have transformed cancer treatment. Formation of organized intratumoral aggregates of lymphocytes (tertiary lymphoid structures, TLS) has been associated with response to ICI. The enLIGHTEN™ Discovery Platform aims to create multimodal therapeutics by leveraging human biology and advanced analytics to select multigene payloads delivered by herpes simplex virus vectors to the tumor microenvironment. Alpha-201 was selected from a suite of modified HSV vectors as the biological chassis due to its ability to release tumor antigens and activate pathways associated with response to ICI. A library of single gene encoding Alpha-201 vectors was constructed, each expressing one in silico predicted payload component. The top two scoring combinations of these viral gene constructs (Multiplex A and Multiplex B) were next tested for their effects on TLS induction and anti-tumor efficacy in complementary in vivo models. As predicted, delivery of both multiplexes increased the number, size, organization and maturity of virally induced TLS. Second, anti-tumor efficacy was tested in mice. Both multiplexes induced tumor growth inhibition compared to vehicle control mice. In conclusion, we have demonstrated the ability of enLIGHTEN™ to design multimodal specific therapeutics, resulting in the development of a first-in-class immunotherapeutic for TLS induction in solid tumors.

  • A Safer Approach to Pain Management
    Associated Company: Epiodyne
    Author: Douglas Crawford

Epiodyne is advancing a novel partial mu opioid agonist that matches the pain-relieving effects of oxycodone, yet eliminates respiratory depression and minimizes abuse risk. This compound could play a crucial role in reducing opioid-induced respiratory complications in the perioperative environment.

  • Innovative Antibody-based Therapeutics for Oncology and Autoimmune Disease
    Associated Company: Fatiabgen
    Author: JayJay Lee

Fatiabgen is a leading antibody-based platform company with a broad clinical pipeline for Oncology and Allergy disease treatment using our best-in-class therapeutic antibodies. The two most advanced assets are: - Collaboration with Duality Biologics to co-develop MSLN ADC with unique properties and strong data in mouse xenograft models of various solid tumor cancer - Collaborate with Lonza to develop a Novel IgE backbone for allergy/asthma indications, with favorable properties compared to Xolair.

  • ICT-1402, a potent, selective, and orally bioavailable MET degrader for treating NSCLC with MET alterations
    Associated Company: Innocure therapeutics
    Author: Jong Seok Kang

MET alterations, including MET exon 14 skipping mutation, overexpression, and amplification are oncogenic drivers for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). More importantly, MET amplification is one of most common acquired resistance mechanisms to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) with EGFR mutated NSCLC. There are no effective treatments for NSCLC patients with MET amplification and overexpression. We discovered ICT-1402, a first-in-class MET degrader, for targeting MET altered NSCLC and compared its efficacy to the MET TKI, Tepotinib. Results: ICT-1402 induced highly selective MET degradation through ubiquitin-proteasome system. ICT-1402 showed strong anti-proliferative activity in solid cancer cell lines with MET alterations compared to normal cells. ICT-1402 potently suppressed MET downstream signal, which is superior to MET TKI and showed durable MET degradation effects. In addition, ICT-1402 had favorable PK profile for oral administration in mouse, rat, and dog. ICT-1402 exhibited rapid, robust and sustained tumor growth inhibition in MET amplified NSCLC CDX and PDX models, which were superior in vivo efficacy to MET TKI, Tepotinib. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that ICT-1402 is a potent, selective, and orally available first-in-class MET degrader for treating NSCLC with MET alterations.

  • WARS1- Neutralizing Antibody for Rheumatoid Arthritis
    Associated Company: MirimGENE Co., Ltd.
    Author: Byoung Cheol Kang

MirimGENE focuses on the development of innovative biologics to treat autoimmune diseases and infectious disorders. According to Nature Microbiology, Novel target WARS1 secreted by monocytes is a primary defense mechanism against infection. Autoimmune diseases can be treated by blocking the hyperactive Novel target WARS1, according to POC data on RA, AD, IBD, sepsis and MAS in animal models. Also, immunosuppressive tuberculosis patients' innate immunity can be boosted to fight a variety of infectious diseases by activating the reduced Novel target WARS1. MirimGENE's antibody biologics were were upstream- and downstream- processed in association with Samsung Biologics. GLP toxicological studies are expected to be produced in 2025, and an IND application for the clinical phase 1 trial is anticipated in 2026. We seek to treat autoimmune and infectious diseases by targeting Novel target WARS1 using the exclusive discovery platform of MirimGENE. There are Unmet needs for doctors to have much stronger biologics and measure biomarkers and suppress pannus formation fundamentally and block several cytokines at the same time. WARS1 neutralizing antibodies can be effective in Humira- non-responders and suppress synoviocyte hyperplasia & pannus formation fundamentally and WARS1 can be measured as biomarkers because WARS1 are secreted hundreds of time higher than TNF in the synovium of RA patients.

  • Translating NLRP3 Inflammasome Inhibition into Clinical Therapeutics: Rationale and Design for Two Clinical Trials of Dapansutrile (OLT1177®) in the Settings of Acute and Chronic IL-1β Mediated Inflammation
    Associated Company/University: Olatec Therapeutics, Inc. | University of Colorado - Denver | University Hospital Basel
    Author: Mustafa Noor

Dapansutrile (OLT1177®) is an NLRP3 inhibitor in clinical development that to date has preliminary clinical efficacy and safety. It is currently undergoing 2 large trials. PODAGRA-II is a multicenter, placebo-controlled, prospective, randomized, double-blind trial. A total of 300 patients with acute symptomatic gout flare are being randomized to receive either dapansutrile or matching placebo tablets for 7 days. The primary endpoint is the subject-reported pain intensity score in the target joint (evaluated on a 100-mm visual analogue scale) at 72 hours. Secondary endpoints include biomarkers associated with acute gout inflammation (IL-1 β, IL-6 and CRP). DAPAN-DIA is a multicenter, placebo-controlled, prospective, randomized, double-blind trial. A total of 300 patients with type 2 diabetes, HbA1c >7.5% and hsCRP>1.5 mg/L are being randomized to receive either dapansutrile or matching placebo tablets for 6 months. The primary endpoint is change from baseline HbA1c after 6 months. Secondary endpoints include biomarkers associated with diabetic complications, as well as chronic inflammation (IL-1 β, IL-6 and hsCRP). PODAGRA II and DAPAN-DIA are two large studies with dapansutrile to investigate its effects in high-grade acute as well as low-grade chronic inflammation and will provide important new data on translating NLRP3 inhibition into clinical therapeutics.

  • Cell-free regeneration by miRNA-targeting technology
    Associated Company/University: Regen Innopharm | The Catholic University of Korea
    Author: Il-Hoan Oh

RegenInnopharm is a company in Korea developing cell-free, molecular therapeutics for tissue regeneration. Our key platforms technologies are “wake-up stem cell” technologies that can stimulate the regenerative/repair potential of tissue by using miRNA-targeting peptide- or miRNA-targeting antagomir. RengenInnopharm is being supported by KDDF in the development of drugs for myocardial infarction and diabetic foot ulcers. The main features of pipelines are as follows: 1) RH001, an RNA-based antagomir drug for acute myocardial infarction. This exerts a multi-modal action, including anti-inflammation, anti-fibrosis, and pro-angiogenesis in infarcted hearts. RH001 shows safety and efficacy in swine model, leading to the recovery of heart function up to 90% of the healthy state (non-clinical stage). 2) PN001, a peptide drug for cerebral infarction. This drug decreases infarct size as much as 80% of SOC control, accompanied by functional recovery without neurological sequalae. It works in IV and ICA injection, suitable for stroke in broad clinical spectrums (non-clinical stage). 3) PU001, a peptide drug for diabetic foot ulcer. This peptide can regenerate healthy, non-leaky vasculatures and accelerate the regeneration of mature epithelium structure, enabling its application for ischemia-complicated or therapy-resistant diabetic foot ulcer. This asset is now ready for clinical development (IND approved). Our company is open for funding, licensing, or development partnerships.

  • Dual senolytic antibody that activates apoptosis and immune system to eliminate senescent cells
    Associated Company/University: Senelix | College of Pharmacy, Chungbuk National University
    Author: Brian Bongcheol Kim

CHI3L1 (Chitinase 3-like protein 1) is a 40 KDa secreted protein whose plasma levels rise with age. It is a marker of low-grade chronic inflammation and has been linked to a number of age-related illnesses. The Senelix team discovered that CHI3L1 is a senescence factor that promotes both cellular and immuno-senescence. The key findings include: 1. CHI3L1 inhibits apoptosis by binding to p53 and inducing degradation. Anti-CHI3L1 mAb enhanced p53 and downstream apoptotic signaling proteins in vivo. In in vitro fibroblast culture under oxidative stress, anti-CHI3L1 mAb decreased SA-β-galactosidase staining, showing that CHI3L1 is a cellular senescence factor. 2. CHI3L1 is an immunosenescence factor that causes M2-polarization of macrophages, increases PD-1/PD-L1 expression, and lowers cytotoxic granules in NK/CD8+ T cells, leading to insufficient immune clearance. 3. Hallmark of fibrosis is persistent myofibroblasts that resist apoptosis. Anti-CHI3L1 mAb shows potential as a dual senolytic therapy for fibrosis since it induces myofibroblasts apoptosis while also enhancing immune clearance of myofibroblasts and apoptotic bodies. 4. In a bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis model, SL300, an anti-CHI3L1 mAb, showed significant anti-fibrotic activity. In conclusion, CHI3L1-neuralizing antibodies such as SL300 may be a viable treatment for fibrotic diseases, notably idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). The CMC development for SL300 is presently underway.

  • Developing 20-alpha-hydroxycholesterol to reverse neonatal white matter injury
    Associated Company: Tellus Therapeutics
    Author: Khadar Abdi

White matter injury (WMI) is the leading cause of neurological impairment among infants born prematurely, yet there are currently no effective treatment options. Outcomes include cerebral palsy and cognitive deficits. The most common forms of WMIs in infants occur prior to the onset of normal myelination, when a transient pool of neural progenitor cells located within the germinal matrix retains robust oligodendrogenic potential. 20-alpha-hydroxycholesterol (20HC), an oxysterol found in human breast milk, enhances the production of oligodendrocyte progenitors during this critical time in brain development. Following WMI in neonatal mice, 20HC treatment induced subventricular zone oligodendrogenesis improved periventricular white matter myelination and motor outcomes. A major challenge in developing an effective therapy for infants with WMI is the need for early diagnosis. Prior clinical trials in this population have had mixed success due to the heterogeneity of brain injuries and the inability to diagnose them early. To overcome this hurdle, physician-scientists working with Tellus have developed an imaging approach to diagnose this type of brain injury within 48-hours. With this approach, Tellus can reduce the heterogeneity of this patient pool and treat infants most likely to benefit from 20HC, thus increasing the probability of achieving a clinically successful outcome. Finally, Tellus is committed to developing safe and effective therapeutics for unmet needs in the NICU.

  • TT125-802: a CBP/p300 BRD inhibitor against transcriptional resistance in cancer
    Associated Company: TOLREMO Therapeutics AG
    Author: Stefanie Flückiger-Mangual

Drug resistance is a major challenge in oncology. While intrinsic resistance to cancer therapies limits the rate and depth of response, acquired resistance limits the duration. The reactivation of oncogenic signaling is a well-studied source of resistance. In parallel to this, plastic cell states associated with EMT, stemness, and immune escape also contribute to poor and short-lived disease control. A high-throughput, phenotypic screen identified the epigenetic regulator CBP/p300 as a novel master regulator of transcriptional resistance cell states that govern resistance independent of oncogenic signaling. TT125-802 is a highly selective CBP/p300 bromodomain (BRD) inhibitor and serves as a powerful combination partner for multiple targeted cancer therapies. In preclinical models of EGFR- and KRAS-mutated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and colorectal cancer (CRC), and in AR-driven prostate cancer, TT125-802 boosted response rates and progression free survival in the combination setting. By addressing non-oncogene dependencies, TT125-802 also showed some single agent activity in these models. In a phase I monotherapy dose-escalation study in solid tumor all-comers, TT125-802 has shown good safety and tolerability, with confirmed target engagement in surrogate tissues. Several patients have experienced disease stabilization and one NSCLC patient a confirmed partial response. Combination studies with KRAS and EGFR inhibitors in NSCLC patients are planned for 2025.

  • A first-in-class multimodal immunotherapy for induction of tertiary lymphoid structures as a novel therapeutic strategy for solid tumors
    Associated Company: Candel Therapeutics
    Author: Francesca Barone

Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) have transformed cancer treatment. Formation of organized intratumoral aggregates of lymphocytes (tertiary lymphoid structures, TLS) has been associated with response to ICI. The enLIGHTEN™ Discovery Platform aims to create multimodal therapeutics by leveraging human biology and advanced analytics to select multigene payloads delivered by herpes simplex virus vectors to the tumor microenvironment. Alpha-201 was selected from a suite of modified HSV vectors as the biological chassis due to its ability to release tumor antigens and activate pathways associated with response to ICI. A library of single gene encoding Alpha-201 vectors was constructed, each expressing one in silico predicted payload component. The top two scoring combinations of these viral gene constructs (Multiplex A and Multiplex B) were next tested for their effects on TLS induction and anti-tumor efficacy in complementary in vivo models. As predicted, delivery of both multiplexes increased the number, size, organization and maturity of virally induced TLS. Second, anti-tumor efficacy was tested in mice. Both multiplexes induced tumor growth inhibition compared to vehicle control mice. In conclusion, we have demonstrated the ability of enLIGHTEN™ to design multimodal specific therapeutics, resulting in the development of a first-in-class immunotherapeutic for TLS induction in solid tumors.

  • Dual senolytic antibody that activates apoptosis and immune system to eliminate senescent cells
    Associated Company/University: Senelix | College of Pharmacy, Chungbuk National University
    Author: Brian Bongcheol Kim

CHI3L1 (Chitinase 3-like protein 1) is a 40 KDa secreted protein whose plasma levels rise with age. It is a marker of low-grade chronic inflammation and has been linked to a number of age-related illnesses. The Senelix team discovered that CHI3L1 is a senescence factor that promotes both cellular and immuno-senescence. The key findings include: 1. CHI3L1 inhibits apoptosis by binding to p53 and inducing degradation. Anti-CHI3L1 mAb enhanced p53 and downstream apoptotic signaling proteins in vivo. In in vitro fibroblast culture under oxidative stress, anti-CHI3L1 mAb decreased SA-β-galactosidase staining, showing that CHI3L1 is a cellular senescence factor. 2. CHI3L1 is an immunosenescence factor that causes M2-polarization of macrophages, increases PD-1/PD-L1 expression, and lowers cytotoxic granules in NK/CD8+ T cells, leading to insufficient immune clearance. 3. Hallmark of fibrosis is persistent myofibroblasts that resist apoptosis. Anti-CHI3L1 mAb shows potential as a dual senolytic therapy for fibrosis since it induces myofibroblasts apoptosis while also enhancing immune clearance of myofibroblasts and apoptotic bodies. 4. In a bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis model, SL300, an anti-CHI3L1 mAb, showed significant anti-fibrotic activity. In conclusion, CHI3L1-neuralizing antibodies such as SL300 may be a viable treatment for fibrotic diseases, notably idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). The CMC development for SL300 is presently underway.

  • High Throughput Screening of Immunomodulators for Vaccine Adjuvants and Beyond
    Associated Company/University: Signl | University of Chicago
    Author: Jeremiah Kim
    Stimulation of the innate immune system is crucial in both vaccinations and immunotherapies. Engineering the immune response via fine control of these pathways, however, is quite difficult. We demonstrate the ability to alter and improve adjuvant activity via the addition of small molecule “immunomodulators” to existing PRR agonists. By modulating signaling activity instead of receptor binding, these molecules allow the customization of select innate signals.
  • Decreased LPS-induced lung injury in pigs treated with a lung surfactant protein A-derived nonapeptide that inhibits peroxiredoxin 6 activity and subsequent NOX1,2 activation
    Associated Company/University: Peroxitech | University of Pennsylvania
    Author: Thomas Han
    This study addressed the efficacy of a liposome-encapsulated nine amino acid peptide (PIP-2) for the prevention or treatment of acute lung injury (ALI) þ/ sepsis. PIP-2 inhibits the PLA2 activity of peroxiredoxin 6 (Prdx6), thereby preventing rac release and activation of NADPH oxidases (NOXes). Pigs were infused intravenously with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) þ liposomes (untreated) or LPS þ PIP-2 (treated). Pigs were mechanically ventilated and continuously monitored. Pigs administered LPS resulted in systemic inflammation with manifestations of clinical sepsis-like syndrome, decreased lung compliance, and a marked decrease in the arterial PO2 with vascular instability leading to early euthanasia of 50% of untreated animals. PIP-2 treatment significantly reduced the requirement for supportive vasopressors and the manifestations of lung injury so that only 25% of animals required early euthanasia. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from PIP-2-treated versus untreated pigs showed markedly lower levels of total protein and cytokines. Thus, the porcine LPS-induced sepsis-like model was associated with moderate to severe lung pathophysiology compatible with ALI, whereas treatment w/PIP-2 markedly decreased lung injury, cardiovascular instability, and early euthanasia. These results indicate a potential role for PIP-2 in the treatment of ALI and/or sepsis in humans.
  • PNUT1, Dentin Regenerating Therapeutics as the Next Generation Treatment for Tooth Decay
    Associated Company: STEMDEN
    Author: Il-Ho Jang
    Tooth diseases affect approximately 50% of humankind over their lifespan. In 2023, the global dental fillings market was valued at $2.17 billion $US and is expected to reach approximately $3.72 billion by 2033, growing at a CAGR of 5.53% from 2024 to 2033. Currently, tooth restoration is dominated by artificial material substitution, and new drugs, products, and technologies that promote tissue regeneration, which are the subject of great interest in the medical community, are not available. STEMDEN has developed proof of concept of a treatment based on pharmacologically induced differentiation of the lost odontoblasts from dental pulp stem cells (DPSC) leading to de novo dentin regeneration. This approach is based on our discovery that compound P promotes the differentiation of DPSC into dentin-generating odontoblasts. This is a game changer discovery opening a new avenue for treatment of dentin loss by restoration with de novo formed dentin. STEMDEN developed a proprietary formulation for dental use consisting of a collagen sponge carrier and compound P, designated as PNUT1.


  • Accelerating Translational Research
    Associated Company: Chicago Biomedical Consortium
    Author: Eric Schiffhauer

The Chicago Biomedical Consortium (CBC) is a translational platform that accelerates biomedical discovery and is working to expand the Illinois biotech ecosystem. With an experienced in-house team and a unique evaluation process, the CBC provides industry-level expertise, guidance, and early-stage funding to researchers with the goal of transforming research into biomedical applications. The consortium offers early, non-dilutive funding of up to $250,000 to catalyze high-potential projects, implementing milestone driven development plans to inform the path to Investigational New Drug (IND) applications.
Entrepreneurial fellows — junior scientists who apprentice full-time with industry experts — perform advanced scientific evaluation and commercial and transactional due diligence on potential CBC projects. This process serves as both a grant application and a deep analysis of professors' potential biomedical applications. This approach saves time for researchers, while providing valuable insights.
Through its expert commercial guidance including sophisticated market analytics, in-depth product development education, industry connections, and project management, the CBC is helping build early-stage biotech ecosystem in Illinois.

  • BioCentury's Innovation Distillery: Preclinical literature distilled down to targets and compounds with potential for translation
    Associated Company: BioCentury Inc.
    Author: Karen Tkach Tuzman
    BioCentury's Innovation Distillery is a data and analytics solution built specifically for Innovation Hunters—whether driven by investment or competitive needs. It identifies primary biomedical research articles containing preclinical innovations with potential for translation into medicine. What sets The Innovation Distillery apart is its ability to highlight transformative innovations, and innovation trends, without requiring users to spend countless hours reading through biomedical literature.

Triple Distillation: The Innovation Distillery provides users with three levels of literature distillation: 1) Curation of the biomedical literature for innovations with near-term therapeutic potential 2) Indexing of each innovation by 16 parameters, including molecular target, disease, principal investigators, country and institution of origin, experimental systems and patent status, if disclosed 3) Capturing of key experiments and molecular mechanisms via succinct, standardized summaries.

Now part of BioCentury's BCIQ database, the Innovation Distillery enables cross-sectional analyses of trends in the biomedical literature, and helps power BioCentury's Discovery & Translation Analysis.